Social Science Book Impact Award


Welcome to the Social Science Book Impact Award, honoring outstanding books that have made a significant impact on the field of social science.

About the Award:

The Social Science Book Impact Award recognizes authors whose books have demonstrated exceptional influence and relevance in advancing knowledge and understanding within the social sciences.

Eligibility and Requirements:

  • Open to authors of books in the social sciences worldwide
  • No age limits
  • Qualification: Books must have been published within the past few years and have demonstrated significant impact on the field
  • Publications: Eligible books must be published by reputable publishers and have received recognition or acclaim within the academic community
  • Requirements: Authors must submit a detailed summary of the book's impact, along with supporting evidence such as reviews, citations, and endorsements

Evaluation Criteria:

Submissions will be evaluated based on:

  • The significance of the book's contribution to the advancement of social science knowledge
  • The extent of its impact on academic discourse and practice
  • The quality of research, analysis, and writing demonstrated in the book
  • The book's relevance and accessibility to diverse audiences within and beyond the academic community

Submission Guidelines:

  • Authors should submit a comprehensive summary of the book's impact, including relevant metrics and testimonials
  • Supporting files such as reviews, citations, and endorsements should be included to validate the book's impact
  • All materials must be submitted in a clear and organized manner, following the specified guidelines

Recognition and Community Impact On Social science

Recipients of the Social Science Book Impact Award will be celebrated for their outstanding contribution to the social sciences and will have the opportunity to engage with a diverse community of scholars and practitioners. This award aims to highlight the transformative power of books in shaping our understanding of society and informing policy and practice.

Biography and Abstract:

Authors are required to provide a brief biography highlighting their background and expertise in the social sciences. Additionally, a concise abstract summarizing the key themes and findings of the book should be included.